Use docker logs with remote logging drivers

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Prior to Docker Engine 20.10, the docker logs command could only be used with logging drivers that supported for containers using the local, json-file, or journald log drivers. However, many third party logging drivers had no support for locally reading logs using docker logs

This created multiple problems when attempting to gather log data in an automated and standard way. Log information could only be accessed and viewed through the third-party solution in the format specified by that third-party tool.

Starting with Docker Engine 20.10, you can use docker logs to read container logs regardless of the configured logging driver or plugin. This capability, referred to as “dual logging”, allows you to use docker logs to read container logs locally in a consistent format, regardless of the log driver used, because the engine is configured to log information to the “local” logging driver. Refer to Configure the default logging driver for additional information.

Dual logging uses the local logging driver to act as cache for reading the latest logs of your containers. By default, the cache has log-file rotation enabled, and is limited to a maximum of 5 files of 20MB each (before compression) per container.

Refer to the configuration options section to customize these defaults, or to the disable dual-logging section to disable this feature.


No configuration changes are needed to use dual logging. Docker Engine 20.10 and up automatically enable dual logging if the configured logging driver does not support reading logs.

The following examples show the result of running a docker logs command with and without dual logging availability:

Without dual logging capability

When a container is configured with a remote logging driver such as splunk, and dual logging is disabled, an error is displayed when attempting to read container logs locally:

  • Step 1: Configure Docker daemon

      $ cat /etc/docker/daemon.json
        "log-driver": "splunk",
        "log-opts": {
          "cache-disabled": "true",
          ... (options for "splunk" logging driver)
  • Step 2: Start the container

      $ docker run -d busybox --name testlog top 
  • Step 3: Read the container logs

      $ docker logs 7d6ac83a89a0
      Error response from daemon: configured logging driver does not support reading

With dual logging capability

With the dual logging cache enabled, the docker logs command can be used to read logs, even if the logging driver does not support reading logs. The following examples shows a daemon configuration that uses the splunk remote logging driver as a default, with dual logging caching enabled:

  • Step 1: Configure Docker daemon

      $ cat /etc/docker/daemon.json
        "log-driver": "splunk",
        "log-opts": {
          ... (options for "splunk" logging driver)
  • Step 2: Start the container

      $ docker run -d busybox --name testlog top 
  • Step 3: Read the container logs

      $ docker logs 7d6ac83a89a0
      2019-02-04T19:48:15.423Z [INFO]  core: marked as sealed                                          	 
      2019-02-04T19:48:15.423Z [INFO]  core: pre-seal teardown starting                                                                                                 	 
      2019-02-04T19:48:15.423Z [INFO]  core: stopping cluster listeners                                                                                             	 
      2019-02-04T19:48:15.423Z [INFO]  core: shutting down forwarding rpc listeners                                                                                 	 
      2019-02-04T19:48:15.423Z [INFO]  core: forwarding rpc listeners stopped
      2019-02-04T19:48:15.599Z [INFO]  core: rpc listeners successfully shut down
      2019-02-04T19:48:15.599Z [INFO]  core: cluster listeners successfully shut down	


For logging drivers that support reading logs, such as the local, json-file and journald drivers, there is no difference in functionality before or after the dual logging capability became available. For these drivers, Logs can be read using docker logs in both scenarios.

Configuration options

The “dual logging” cache accepts the same configuration options as the local logging driver, but with a cache- prefix. These options can be specified per container, and defaults for new containers can be set using the daemon configuration file.

By default, the cache has log-file rotation enabled, and is limited to a maximum of 5 files of 20MB each (before compression) per container. Use the configuration options described below to customize these defaults.

Option Default Description
cache-disabled "false" Disable local caching. Boolean value passed as a string (true, 1, 0, or false).
cache-max-size "20m" The maximum size of the cache before it is rotated. A positive integer plus a modifier representing the unit of measure (k, m, or g).
cache-max-file "5" The maximum number of cache files that can be present. If rotating the logs creates excess files, the oldest file is removed. A positive integer.
cache-compress "true" Enable or disable compression of rotated log files. Boolean value passed as a string (true, 1, 0, or false).

Disable the dual logging cache

Use the cache-disabled option to disable the dual logging cache. Disabling the cache can be useful to save storage space in situations where logs are only read through a remote logging system, and if there is no need to read logs through docker logs for debugging purposes.

Caching can be disabled for individual containers or by default for new containers, when using the daemon configuration file.

The following example uses the daemon configuration file to use the “splunk’ logging driver as a default, with caching disabled:

$ cat /etc/docker/daemon.json
  "log-driver": "splunk",
  "log-opts": {
    "cache-disabled": "true",
    ... (options for "splunk" logging driver)


For logging drivers that support reading logs, such as the local, json-file and journald drivers, dual logging is not used, and disabling the option has no effect.


  • If a container using a logging driver or plugin that sends logs remotely suddenly has a “network” issue, no ‘write’ to the local cache occurs.
  • If a write to logdriver fails for any reason (file system full, write permissions removed), the cache write fails and is logged in the daemon log. The log entry to the cache is not retried.
  • Some logs might be lost from the cache in the default configuration because a ring buffer is used to prevent blocking the stdio of the container in case of slow file writes. An admin must repair these while the daemon is shut down.
docker, logging, driver, dual logging, dual-logging, cache, ring-buffer, configuration