docker app init


Initialize Docker Application definition

This command is experimental on the Docker client.

It should not be used in production environments.

To enable experimental features in the Docker CLI, edit the config.json and set experimental to enabled. You can go here for more information.


$ docker app init APP_NAME [--compose-file COMPOSE_FILE] [--description DESCRIPTION] [--maintainer NAME:EMAIL ...] [OPTIONS]

Extended description

Start building a Docker Application package. If there is a docker-compose.yml file in the current directory it will be copied and used.

For example uses of this command, refer to the examples section below.


Name, shorthand Default Description
--compose-file Compose file to use as application base (optional)
--description Human readable description of your application (optional)
--maintainer Name and email address of person responsible for the application (name:email) (optional)
--single-file Create a single-file Docker Application definition


$ docker app init myapp --description “a useful description”

Parent command

Command Description
docker app Docker Application
Command Description
docker app bundle Create a CNAB invocation image and bundle.json for the application
docker app completion Generates completion scripts for the specified shell (bash or zsh)
docker app init Initialize Docker Application definition
docker app inspect Shows metadata, parameters and a summary of the Compose file for a given application
docker app install Install an application
docker app list List the installations and their last known installation result
docker app pull Pull an application package from a registry
docker app push Push an application package to a registry
docker app render Render the Compose file for an Application Package
docker app status Get the installation status of an application
docker app uninstall Uninstall an application
docker app upgrade Upgrade an installed application
docker app validate Checks the rendered application is syntactically correct
docker app version Print version information