docker attach


Attach local standard input, output, and error streams to a running container


$ docker attach [OPTIONS] CONTAINER

Extended description

Use docker attach to attach your terminal’s standard input, output, and error (or any combination of the three) to a running container using the container’s ID or name. This allows you to view its ongoing output or to control it interactively, as though the commands were running directly in your terminal.

Note: The attach command will display the output of the ENTRYPOINT/CMD process. This can appear as if the attach command is hung when in fact the process may simply not be interacting with the terminal at that time.

You can attach to the same contained process multiple times simultaneously, from different sessions on the Docker host.

To stop a container, use CTRL-c. This key sequence sends SIGKILL to the container. If --sig-proxy is true (the default),CTRL-c sends a SIGINT to the container. If the container was run with -i and -t, you can detach from a container and leave it running using the CTRL-p CTRL-q key sequence.

Note: A process running as PID 1 inside a container is treated specially by Linux: it ignores any signal with the default action. So, the process will not terminate on SIGINT or SIGTERM unless it is coded to do so.

It is forbidden to redirect the standard input of a docker attach command while attaching to a tty-enabled container (i.e.: launched with -t).

While a client is connected to container’s stdio using docker attach, Docker uses a ~1MB memory buffer to maximize the throughput of the application. If this buffer is filled, the speed of the API connection will start to have an effect on the process output writing speed. This is similar to other applications like SSH. Because of this, it is not recommended to run performance critical applications that generate a lot of output in the foreground over a slow client connection. Instead, users should use the docker logs command to get access to the logs.

Override the detach sequence

If you want, you can configure an override the Docker key sequence for detach. This is useful if the Docker default sequence conflicts with key sequence you use for other applications. There are two ways to define your own detach key sequence, as a per-container override or as a configuration property on your entire configuration.

To override the sequence for an individual container, use the --detach-keys="<sequence>" flag with the docker attach command. The format of the <sequence> is either a letter [a-Z], or the ctrl- combined with any of the following:

  • a-z (a single lowercase alpha character )
  • @ (at sign)
  • [ (left bracket)
  • \\ (two backward slashes)
  • _ (underscore)
  • ^ (caret)

These a, ctrl-a, X, or ctrl-\\ values are all examples of valid key sequences. To configure a different configuration default key sequence for all containers, see Configuration file section.

For example uses of this command, refer to the examples section below.


Name, shorthand Default Description
--detach-keys Override the key sequence for detaching a container
--no-stdin Do not attach STDIN
--sig-proxy true Proxy all received signals to the process


Attach to and detach from a running container

$ docker run -d --name topdemo ubuntu /usr/bin/top -b

$ docker attach topdemo

top - 02:05:52 up  3:05,  0 users,  load average: 0.01, 0.02, 0.05
Tasks:   1 total,   1 running,   0 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu(s):  0.1%us,  0.2%sy,  0.0%ni, 99.7%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si,  0.0%st
Mem:    373572k total,   355560k used,    18012k free,    27872k buffers
Swap:   786428k total,        0k used,   786428k free,   221740k cached

 1 root      20   0 17200 1116  912 R    0  0.3   0:00.03 top

 top - 02:05:55 up  3:05,  0 users,  load average: 0.01, 0.02, 0.05
 Tasks:   1 total,   1 running,   0 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
 Cpu(s):  0.0%us,  0.2%sy,  0.0%ni, 99.8%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si,  0.0%st
 Mem:    373572k total,   355244k used,    18328k free,    27872k buffers
 Swap:   786428k total,        0k used,   786428k free,   221776k cached

       1 root      20   0 17208 1144  932 R    0  0.3   0:00.03 top

 top - 02:05:58 up  3:06,  0 users,  load average: 0.01, 0.02, 0.05
 Tasks:   1 total,   1 running,   0 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
 Cpu(s):  0.2%us,  0.3%sy,  0.0%ni, 99.5%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.0%si,  0.0%st
 Mem:    373572k total,   355780k used,    17792k free,    27880k buffers
 Swap:   786428k total,        0k used,   786428k free,   221776k cached

      1 root      20   0 17208 1144  932 R    0  0.3   0:00.03 top

$ echo $?
$ docker ps -a | grep topdemo

7998ac8581f9        ubuntu:14.04        "/usr/bin/top -b"   38 seconds ago      Exited (0) 21 seconds ago                          topdemo

Get the exit code of the container’s command

And in this second example, you can see the exit code returned by the bash process is returned by the docker attach command to its caller too:

    $ docker run --name test -d -it debian


    $ docker attach test

    root@f38c87f2a42d:/# exit 13


    $ echo $?


    $ docker ps -a | grep test

    275c44472aeb        debian:7            "/bin/bash"         26 seconds ago      Exited (13) 17 seconds ago                         test

Parent command

Command Description
docker The base command for the Docker CLI.