docker service ps


List the tasks of one or more services

API 1.24+  The client and daemon API must both be at least 1.24 to use this command. Use the docker version command on the client to check your client and daemon API versions.

Swarm This command works with the Swarm orchestrator.


$ docker service ps [OPTIONS] SERVICE [SERVICE...]

Extended description

Lists the tasks that are running as part of the specified services.


This is a cluster management command, and must be executed on a swarm manager node. To learn about managers and workers, refer to the Swarm mode section in the documentation.

For example uses of this command, refer to the examples section below.


Name, shorthand Default Description
--filter , -f Filter output based on conditions provided
--format Pretty-print tasks using a Go template
--no-resolve Do not map IDs to Names
--no-trunc Do not truncate output
--quiet , -q Only display task IDs


List the tasks that are part of a service

The following command shows all the tasks that are part of the redis service:

$ docker service ps redis

ID             NAME      IMAGE        NODE      DESIRED STATE  CURRENT STATE          ERROR  PORTS
0qihejybwf1x   redis.1   redis:3.0.5  manager1  Running        Running 8 seconds
bk658fpbex0d   redis.2   redis:3.0.5  worker2   Running        Running 9 seconds
5ls5s5fldaqg   redis.3   redis:3.0.5  worker1   Running        Running 9 seconds
8ryt076polmc   redis.4   redis:3.0.5  worker1   Running        Running 9 seconds
1x0v8yomsncd   redis.5   redis:3.0.5  manager1  Running        Running 8 seconds
71v7je3el7rr   redis.6   redis:3.0.5  worker2   Running        Running 9 seconds
4l3zm9b7tfr7   redis.7   redis:3.0.5  worker2   Running        Running 9 seconds
9tfpyixiy2i7   redis.8   redis:3.0.5  worker1   Running        Running 9 seconds
3w1wu13yupln   redis.9   redis:3.0.5  manager1  Running        Running 8 seconds
8eaxrb2fqpbn   redis.10  redis:3.0.5  manager1  Running        Running 8 seconds

In addition to running tasks, the output also shows the task history. For example, after updating the service to use the redis:3.0.6 image, the output may look like this:

$ docker service ps redis

ID            NAME         IMAGE        NODE      DESIRED STATE  CURRENT STATE                   ERROR  PORTS
50qe8lfnxaxk  redis.1      redis:3.0.6  manager1  Running        Running 6 seconds ago
ky2re9oz86r9   \_ redis.1  redis:3.0.5  manager1  Shutdown       Shutdown 8 seconds ago
3s46te2nzl4i  redis.2      redis:3.0.6  worker2   Running        Running less than a second ago
nvjljf7rmor4   \_ redis.2  redis:3.0.6  worker2   Shutdown       Rejected 23 seconds ago        "No such image: redis@sha256:6…"
vtiuz2fpc0yb   \_ redis.2  redis:3.0.5  worker2   Shutdown       Shutdown 1 second ago
jnarweeha8x4  redis.3      redis:3.0.6  worker1   Running        Running 3 seconds ago
vs448yca2nz4   \_ redis.3  redis:3.0.5  worker1   Shutdown       Shutdown 4 seconds ago
jf1i992619ir  redis.4      redis:3.0.6  worker1   Running        Running 10 seconds ago
blkttv7zs8ee   \_ redis.4  redis:3.0.5  worker1   Shutdown       Shutdown 11 seconds ago

The number of items in the task history is determined by the --task-history-limit option that was set when initializing the swarm. You can change the task history retention limit using the docker swarm update command.

When deploying a service, docker resolves the digest for the service’s image, and pins the service to that digest. The digest is not shown by default, but is printed if --no-trunc is used. The --no-trunc option also shows the non-truncated task ID, and error-messages, as can be seen below;

$ docker service ps --no-trunc redis

ID                          NAME         IMAGE                                                                                NODE      DESIRED STATE  CURRENT STATE            ERROR                                                                                           PORTS
50qe8lfnxaxksi9w2a704wkp7   redis.1      redis:3.0.6@sha256:6a692a76c2081888b589e26e6ec835743119fe453d67ecf03df7de5b73d69842  manager1  Running        Running 5 minutes ago
ky2re9oz86r9556i2szb8a8af   \_ redis.1   redis:3.0.5@sha256:f8829e00d95672c48c60f468329d6693c4bdd28d1f057e755f8ba8b40008682e  worker2   Shutdown       Shutdown 5 minutes ago
bk658fpbex0d57cqcwoe3jthu   redis.2      redis:3.0.6@sha256:6a692a76c2081888b589e26e6ec835743119fe453d67ecf03df7de5b73d69842  worker2   Running        Running 5 seconds
nvjljf7rmor4htv7l8rwcx7i7   \_ redis.2   redis:3.0.6@sha256:6a692a76c2081888b589e26e6ec835743119fe453d67ecf03df7de5b73d69842  worker2   Shutdown       Rejected 5 minutes ago   "No such image: redis@sha256:6a692a76c2081888b589e26e6ec835743119fe453d67ecf03df7de5b73d69842"


The filtering flag (-f or --filter) format is a key=value pair. If there is more than one filter, then pass multiple flags (e.g. --filter "foo=bar" --filter "bif=baz"). Multiple filter flags are combined as an OR filter. For example, -f name=redis.1 -f name=redis.7 returns both redis.1 and redis.7 tasks.

The currently supported filters are:


The id filter matches on all or a prefix of a task’s ID.

$ docker service ps -f "id=8" redis

8ryt076polmc   redis.4   redis:3.0.6  worker1   Running        Running 9 seconds
8eaxrb2fqpbn   redis.10  redis:3.0.6  manager1  Running        Running 8 seconds


The name filter matches on task names.

$ docker service ps -f "name=redis.1" redis
qihejybwf1x5  redis.1  redis:3.0.6  manager1  Running        Running 8 seconds


The node filter matches on a node name or a node ID.

$ docker service ps -f "node=manager1" redis
0qihejybwf1x  redis.1   redis:3.0.6  manager1  Running        Running 8 seconds
1x0v8yomsncd  redis.5   redis:3.0.6  manager1  Running        Running 8 seconds
3w1wu13yupln  redis.9   redis:3.0.6  manager1  Running        Running 8 seconds
8eaxrb2fqpbn  redis.10  redis:3.0.6  manager1  Running        Running 8 seconds


The desired-state filter can take the values running, shutdown, or accepted.


The formatting options (--format) pretty-prints tasks output using a Go template.

Valid placeholders for the Go template are listed below:

Placeholder Description
.ID Task ID
.Name Task name
.Image Task image
.Node Node ID
.DesiredState Desired state of the task (running, shutdown, or accepted)
.CurrentState Current state of the task
.Error Error
.Ports Task published ports

When using the --format option, the service ps command will either output the data exactly as the template declares or, when using the table directive, includes column headers as well.

The following example uses a template without headers and outputs the Name and Image entries separated by a colon (:) for all tasks:

$ docker service ps --format "{{.Name}}: {{.Image}}" top
top.1: busybox
top.2: busybox
top.3: busybox

Parent command

Command Description
docker service Manage services
Command Description
docker service create Create a new service
docker service inspect Display detailed information on one or more services
docker service logs Fetch the logs of a service or task
docker service ls List services
docker service ps List the tasks of one or more services
docker service rm Remove one or more services
docker service rollback Revert changes to a service’s configuration
docker service scale Scale one or multiple replicated services
docker service update Update a service