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Create machines on OpenStack


  • --openstack-auth-url: Keystone service base URL.
  • --openstack-flavor-id or --openstack-flavor-name: Identify the flavor used for the machine.
  • --openstack-image-id or --openstack-image-name: Identify the image used for the machine.


$ docker-machine create --driver openstack vm


  • --openstack-active-timeout: The timeout in seconds until the OpenStack instance must be active.
  • --openstack-availability-zone: The availability zone in which to launch the server.
  • --openstack-config-drive: Whether OpenStack should mount a configuration drive for the machine.
  • --openstack-domain-name or --openstack-domain-id: Domain to use for authentication (Keystone v3 only).
  • --openstack-endpoint-type: Endpoint type can be internalURL, adminURL, or publicURL. It is a helper for the driver to choose the right URL in the OpenStack service catalog. If not provided the default is publicURL.
  • --openstack-floatingip-pool: The IP pool used to get a public IP can assign it to the machine. If there is an IP address already allocated but not assigned to any machine, this IP is chosen and assigned to the machine. If there is no IP address already allocated, a new IP is allocated and assigned to the machine.
  • --openstack-keypair-name: Specify the existing Nova keypair to use.
  • --openstack-insecure: Explicitly allow openstack driver to perform “insecure” SSL (https) requests. The server’s certificate is not verified against any certificate authorities. This option should be used with caution.
  • --openstack-ip-version: If the instance has both IPv4 and IPv6 address, you can select IP version. If not provided, defaults to 4.
  • --openstack-net-name or --openstack-net-id: Identify the private network the machine is connected to. If your OpenStack project contains only one private network it is used automatically.
  • --openstack-password: User password. It can be omitted if the standard environment variable OS_PASSWORD is set.
  • --openstack-private-key-file: Used with --openstack-keypair-name, associates the private key to the keypair.
  • --openstack-region: The region to work on. Can be omitted if there is only one region on the OpenStack.
  • --openstack-sec-groups: If security groups are available on your OpenStack you can specify a comma separated list to use for the machine, such as secgrp001,secgrp002.
  • --openstack-ssh-port: Customize the SSH port if the SSH server on the machine does not listen on the default port.
  • --openstack-ssh-user: The username to use for SSH into the machine. If not provided defaults to root.
  • --openstack-tenant-name or --openstack-tenant-id: Identify the tenant in which the machine is created.
  • --openstack-user-data-file: File containing an OpenStack userdata script.
  • --openstack-username: User identifier to authenticate with.

Environment variables and default values

CLI option Environment variable Default
--openstack-active-timeout OS_ACTIVE_TIMEOUT 200
--openstack-auth-url OS_AUTH_URL -
--openstack-availability-zone OS_AVAILABILITY_ZONE -
--openstack-config-drive OS_CONFIG_DRIVE false
--openstack-domain-id OS_DOMAIN_ID -
--openstack-domain-name OS_DOMAIN_NAME -
--openstack-endpoint-type OS_ENDPOINT_TYPE publicURL
--openstack-flavor-id OS_FLAVOR_ID -
--openstack-flavor-name OS_FLAVOR_NAME -
--openstack-floatingip-pool OS_FLOATINGIP_POOL -
--openstack-image-id OS_IMAGE_ID -
--openstack-image-name OS_IMAGE_NAME -
--openstack-insecure OS_INSECURE false
--openstack-ip-version OS_IP_VERSION 4
--openstack-keypair-name OS_KEYPAIR_NAME -
--openstack-net-id OS_NETWORK_ID -
--openstack-net-name OS_NETWORK_NAME -
--openstack-password OS_PASSWORD -
--openstack-private-key-file OS_PRIVATE_KEY_FILE -
--openstack-region OS_REGION_NAME -
--openstack-sec-groups OS_SECURITY_GROUPS -
--openstack-ssh-port OS_SSH_PORT 22
--openstack-ssh-user OS_SSH_USER root
--openstack-tenant-id OS_TENANT_ID -
--openstack-tenant-name OS_TENANT_NAME -
--openstack-user-data-file OS_USER_DATA_FILE -
--openstack-username OS_USERNAME -
machine, OpenStack, driver